We’ll be honest—getting spider veins in your 20s or 30s is pretty early. Because they’re much more prevalent later in life, having premature spider veins can give you reasonable cause for alarm. 


Although they look less than desirable, having spider veins is not the end of the world. There are logical explanations as to why they can happen in your 20s and 30s. And they can be remedied by a variety of simple lifestyle changes. So let’s start this journey to understanding and curing spider veins by explaining what they are. 

Why Do Spider Veins Develop?


Women in chair with spider veins on her legs.

You’re probably familiar with one of the most common vein conditions: varicose veins. Spider veins are different. They are smaller and closer to the skin’s surface. They can be bright red or blue, with jagged, short lines, resembling the look of spider webs. Spider veins usually appear on your legs but can also show up on your chest, arms, or face. 


Spider veins are typically the result of broken capillaries. Capillaries are small blood vessels near the skin’s surface that can become enlarged or dilated. When this happens, web-like patterns appear on the skin. 


Spider veins may be caused by weakened or damaged valves. The very valves responsible for making sure the blood in your veins flows towards your heart. When these valves are damaged, blood can flow the wrong way. This causes pooling and subsequent valve enlargement.


Weakened valves are not the only factor in the development of premature spider veins. The exact cause is actually unknown. It’s assumed to be linked to a variety of environmental and genetic factors. Let’s explain what risk factors could be contributing to spider veins in your 20s or 30s.

What Causes Premature Spider Veins to Form?


Having a family history of blood clots or varicose veins can put you at a higher risk for developing spider veins. But genetics isn’t the only cause. Many other elements can contribute to premature spider veins. So if you’re concerned about developing them, or have already spotted them on your skin, here are some additional risk factors to look out for:

Sun Exposure


UVA and UVB radiation from the sun can inflame blood vessels. This draws them closer to the skin, especially for those who are fair. Radiation can also weaken elasticity, causing the skin to become thinner and veins more visible. 


Excess sunlight can cause your capillaries to dilate and widen. This, as we’ve learned, leads to the development of spider veins. UVA and UVB radiation can also be a cause as they can damage blood vessels, thus enlarging them and putting you at further risk for spider veins.

Hormonal Changes


Hormone changes, especially for women on birth control or who are pregnant, can weaken your vein walls. That’s because estrogen levels increase along with your blood levels. This puts excess pressure on your veins, which may cause a potential burst. 


Progesterone can also lead to vein enlargement and thus spider veins. This hormone increases during pregnancy, making veins more susceptible to damage. 

Blood Pressure


Having high blood pressure in your 20s and 30s can put you at risk of developing premature spider veins. Because this condition causes blood flow restriction, veins are more likely to bulge and turn into spider veins on your skin. High blood pressure can also damage your blood vessels and vein walls, which is known to cause vein enlargement. 


Your blood pressure doesn’t have to be high for you to have spider veins. In fact, people with otherwise healthy blood pressure can temporarily alter their levels. This can occur when you experience sneezing or vomiting so intensely that it breaks your capillaries. Though unlikely this can be a reason why people in their 20s and 30s, who are less likely to have high blood pressure, could develop spider veins. 

Fair Skin


People of any skin tone can develop spider veins. But they are more apparent in those with fair skin. Because of the contrasting colors, the vibrant red and blue tones of spider veins are extra visible on lighter complexions. This can cause your skin to look flushed and red, resembling the appearance of a rash. 



You may have noticed that when you drink a lot of alcohol, your skin looks redder. This is also what makes spider veins more visible and more likely to form. Alcohol causes blood vessel dilation, elevated blood pressure, constricted blood flow and circulation, and increased pressure in your veins. All of these factors contribute to the formation of spider veins. 

High Heels


If you’re a fan of high heels, we have some unfortunate news. Stilettos, wedges, and platforms—basically any shoe that compromises pediatric function—can limit your calves’ ability to pump blood back up through your veins. And because of the discomfort you experience while wearing them, high heels can discourage you from walking. Whether caused by uncomfortable shoes or sedentary lifestyles, inactivity can put you at higher risk for developing spider veins.

Simple Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Spider Veins 


There are many lifestyle changes young people can make to either prohibit or treat the appearance of spider veins. Consider these tips and remedies for preventing spider veins in your 20s and 30s:

  • Protect your skin from the sun by wearing sunscreen, hats, and sunglasses
  • Avoid extreme heat from hot showers, saunas, or beaches
  • Get regular physical activity to get your blood circulating and maintain a healthy weight
  • Refrain from excessive drinking

Worried About Spider Veins? Add This to Your To-do List


If you have spider veins there are a few treatments to consider. These depend on the severity of your spider veins and how much they bother you. And before you get them treated, it’s important to have your veins checked out by a certified vein specialist. Here are some options to consider:

  • Sclerotherapy: This is the most common and effective medical procedure for treating spider veins. A chemical is injected into your veins that blocks blood flow. It may take more than one round of treatment to address a vein.
  • Laser Treatment: This treatment applies strong surges of light to the affected area, causing the spider vein to fade away. The advantage of this procedure is that there are no incisions or needles involved. However, it may not be as effective as sclerotherapy. Redness, swelling, and skin discoloration are common side effects.

Don’t Let Spider Veins Hold You Back


Let’s clear up any fears of potential health issues by establishing that spider veins are purely cosmetic. Still, many people find their lives negatively affected by their appearance. This can be especially true when you develop spider veins in your 20s and 30s. 


If your spider veins are affecting your quality of life, it’s worth pursuing treatment. Or making lifestyle changes that could decrease your chances of forming spider veins. Doing either can make you feel more confident and even improve your overall health.

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looking in mirror at veins on the face
Just when you thought the spider veins on your legs were a problem, you notice them on your face. Yikes! But not to worry, this is completely normal. The skin on the face is thin, sensitive, and constantly exposed to the elements. It’s the perfect storm to develop spider veins.


The good news is, facial spider veins are preventable…or if it’s too late, treatable! In this article, we’ll talk you through why the happen and how you can remove them for good. 

What Causes Spider Veins on the Face?


Spider veins form when the capillaries in the skin on your face become dilated. This happens from poor blood circulation and aging, damaged skin. Broken blood vessels on the face can develop at any age, but some people may have a higher chance of developing them than others.


Some causes of broken blood vessels on the face include:

  • Genetics: People with family members who experience spider veins are more likely to have them.
  • Excessive sun exposure: Sun damage can enlarge the blood vessels and draw them closer to the skin.
  • Changes in weather: Drastic changes in the weather can affect blood circulation, causing the skin in the face to flush. The blood vessels may burst and cause a spider vein. 
  • Changes in pressure: A sudden, extreme change in pressure can cause spider veins to appear. A hard sneeze or vomiting can cause this change in pressure. 
  • Pregnancy: Hormonal changes during pregnancy may also cause spider veins on the face. But they usually disappear after birth. 
  • Environmental irritants: Exposure to certain chemicals or environmental pollutants may damage the skin and make blood vessels more visible.
  • Rosacea: Rosacea is a common condition that causes fair skin to become flushed and red due to enlarged veins.
  • Alcohol consumption: Alcohol can dilate the blood vessels temporarily. Frequent alcohol consumption can lead to longer-lasting broken blood vessels and redness on the face. 
  • Injuries: Head injuries that cause bruising may cause broken blood vessels. In this case, the blood vessels usually heal when the bruise does. 

Treatment for Spider Veins on the Face

  • Sclerotherapy: Sclerotherapy uses injections of sclerosing agents to help spider veins disappear in a short period of time. 
  • Laser Therapy: Laser therapy uses intense laser lights to destroy spider veins. However, laser therapy can also damage the skin, which could make it sensitive during recovery.
  • Intense Pulled Light (IPL) Therapy: IPL therapy uses special lights that penetrate into the deeper layers of skin without damaging the top layer. This treatment may mean less recovery time and less damage to the skin. 


figure wearing a sun hat to prevent veins on the face

Home Remedies for Spider Veins on the Face

  • Cold compress: A simple cold compress, such as an ice pack or bag of frozen peas, can be applied to the face after sun or heat exposure. The cold may help reduce the appearance of burst blood vessels in the face.
  • Apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar acts as an astringent on the skin, pulling it tight to reduce redness. This may help with the appearance of spider veins in some people.
  • Aloe vera: The gel from an aloe vera plant may be helpful in treating skin redness. Research has found that aloe vera could reduce redness but it tends to dry out the skin cells.
  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C supplements may help reduce the appearance of broken blood vessels on the face. It plays a key role in keeping the blood vessels healthy.

How to Prevent Spider Veins on the Face

  • Avoid extreme heat: Very high temperatures from spas, saunas, or hot water may dilate the blood vessels and increase the chances of spider veins appearing.
  • Limit sun exposure: Wearing sunscreen, a hat, and long layers of clothing can help reduce the chances of spider veins from sun damage.
  • Wear protection: Protective gear may help avoid spider veins caused by an injury. Examples include facemasks and helmets for baseball, cycling, or riding a motorcycle.
  • Avoid vasodilators: Vasodilators cause vessels to fill with blood and may make spider veins more noticeable. Common vasodilators include caffeine, spicy foods, and alcohol. 

Spider veins cause no pain or additional symptoms. But it’s normal to be bothered by their appearance. If this sounds like you, try to determine the direct cause and take steps to treat it and avoid it from happening again. In some cases, broken blood vessels on the face may be a sign of an underlying medical condition. Anyone uncertain about the cause of their spider veins should visit a vein specialist for a proper examination and diagnosis.

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laser and iv needle inserting a vein

It’s the eternal struggle of vein removal – the debate between sclerotherapy or laser.


Both treatments are effective with minimal side effects, but they do have advantages and disadvantages alike.

But what’s easier and better for your veins? Let’s take a look at both methods for treating spider veins:


Sclerotherapy is a non-surgical treatment for spider veins. The doctor injects a chemical, called a sclerosant into a vein, causing it to collapse and dry out. The vein gets reabsorbed by the body and disappears.

Sclerotherapy is best for superficial spider veins on the legs and hands. It’s less expensive, faster, and more effective than laser treatment. Sclerotherapy is also better for people with darker skin. Lasers produce light that can cause discoloration in people with tanned skin.

Laser Treatment

Laser treatment for spider veins is more expensive. and perceived as more painful. But laser treatments are considered the best way to treat spider veins on the face. There are several types of laser treatments: 

IPL: Laser and intense pulsed light (IPL) treatments are non-invasive and chemical-free. It involves directing light at the veins from outside the skin. IPL or surface laser treatments take about 15 to 20 minutes depending on the extent of the area. The most common side effect is a temporary purple skin pigmentation that looks like bruising. There can also be some temporary redness, swelling or blistering.

Surface Laser Therapy: Your doctor can treat small-to-medium varicose veins with a laser through the skin, much like with spider veins. Different kinds of lasers can penetrate the skin and reach the veins. The skin is cooled to avoid burning, but patients still report more pain than sclerotherapy.

Endovenous Laser Therapy: Endovenous laser therapy (EVLT) is an effective treatment for larger varicose veins. A laser probe is inserted directly into the vein. As the probe is withdrawn, the intense heat from the laser cauterizes the vein from the inside, causing it to collapse. A single EVLT procedure is more effective than sclerotherapy, which requires multiple sessions.

char that shows the uses for sclerotherapy and laser therapy for veins

The Choice is Up to You and Your Vein Doctor

Both treatments get rid of pesky spider veins and leave your skin looking smooth. And many patients have both types of vein problems and both types of treatment may be recommended.

The choice of treatment often depends on the location of the veins. Sclerotherapy is better for treating larger varicose veins, especially those on the legs, while laser therapy suits thinner veins on other parts of the body. Sometimes it may need a combination approach to get the best results.

Be sure to talk to your vein doctor to choose the treatment that is most effective and most comfortable for you. The best method for you may be different from that of someone else with the same vein problems. That’s why it’s important to choose an experienced vein specialist for medical advice. He or she can take into account your condition and your unique individual needs.


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